Baby's Room

I have made this illustration for one of my best customers from the New London Cafe, and I am really happy with the results. She asked me to create an illustration for the baby that she was expecting to place it in the nursery she was arranging for the baby. First idea was a scene with animals, cute, childish and colourful. She asked me to add a sentence from Psalms in the Bible "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord".
My challenge was to place all these little creatures on A4 size with that much detail on them. Made them one by one, adding ink, watercolours and scan them. Placing them on PS and practising calligraphy in order to add more charm to the scene.

She was happy with the result and so I am, great challenge accomplished. Here are some sketches from the work in progress 

Kiss for Peace!!

I made this illustration to express my feelings against the endless Israel-Palestine conflict. 
Ink and watercolour.
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
~ Albert Einstein ~

New London Cafe

In the summer of 2011, my partner and me, opened a vintage coffee shop in Islington called New London Cafe. Whoever knows me, I am sure is already tired of listening to me talking about the cafe non stop.
It takes all my attention and time, everything we think and do, is always to improve our business a bit more.
It has been a very crazy journey at some points, but rewarding all the time. Thanks to the vintage concept we wanted to develop in our cafe, I found amazing places, especially antique markets around London where we got the school tables that everyone love. And in a shop located in Acton Park we found original wallpaper from the 60's and 70's.
More related with design, I am happy how I managed to create the logo and the menu layout, adding some of my illustrations to the description.



Personal project. It has been crazy with so many friends having babies over the past year and this one. As a gift for the future mums, I made some vinyl stickers to decorate the baby's room.  After scketching on coated paper with black marker and scanning, I used Illustrator and Photoshop to add some colour.
Then I got some matte vinyl paper, suitable for laser printer. I took them to a printing place and this is the result. I think they look nice and cute for the baby's room.


Wild Garden

Personal project. I always wanted to decorate my garden, and I also love to place my illustrations almost on any surface and see how it looks.
After collecting a few fizzy drink cans and hot chocolate tins from my cafe, I had to decided a colour to cover them with.
I painted them on light blue (duck egg), and transferred some of my animal illustrations that I made previously on layout paper. I will need to give a coat of clear varnish if they are going to be used outdoors, to portect them from the weather.
I am really happy with the result and they look very cute for decoration.


It is such a nice way of recycling your waste and make your space nicer. The pots can be use also for others purposes, not only for plants ;-)


It has been such a long time since last time I posted something. This new version of Blogger make me feel a bit clumsy to work with.
Anyway, I tried to organise my drawings around here and I have a few related with portraits.
There are some friends and random pictures that I liked from magazines.
Made with pencil or marker and digital.

Book Jackets

One of my favourite things to do is a symbolistic interpretation of what I hear or read. That's why I enjoy so much making book jackets. I made my first one for "Animal Farm" and this year I made a series of four books from fiction novels written by women where the main character is also a women.I made a composition from different small elements that I found important in the story. Combination of pencil, black ink and digital colouring.